Praise for Brick Math
"Thank you Brigantine Media for sending me such a wonderful email link (to the free lesson on customary liquid measures). My child was struggling with fractions and liquid measurements. We tried YouTube, IXL, Prodigy, workbooks, etc., and he still was not fully understanding quarts, pints, and gallons. Now he builds and remembers math problems! I love you guys! This just opened up his world a more exciting approach to math! I absolutely love it! I can't thank you enough! I am sharing this with everyone! Thank you oh so very much!"
"Hands-on, engaging, and overall, an exciting way to learn math."
Tina Lupton, Teacher "We began using Brick Math during the 2018-2019 school year with middle school students receiving Tier 3 interventions. Not only were the Brick Math resources easy to use, but the students responded with excitement each time they used them in interventions. Students said that for the first time math was easy. Seeing the math problem helped them understand previously taught concepts and correct misunderstandings in their learning. We plan to continue using Brick Math with our Tier 3 students for years to come."
Crystal Sexton, Principal |
"Instead of indoor recess with puzzles and games, my class begged to continue working on multiplication with Brick Math!"
Sally Gray, Teacher
Sally Gray, Teacher
"Brick Math is a versatile tool because it works well in a small group setting, one on one, and/or with partners. It allows my students the opportunity to explore multiple math concepts and skills with hands-on activities that help them visualize the problem. They can explore possible solutions, record their thinking, explain their thought process, and revisit, reflect, and adapt as needed. I think the greatest benefit is that it allows students who may otherwise struggle with paper and pencil an opportunity to shine, because they can often build what the answer is to a real world problem even if they can’t pen it down. From their build they are then able to explain their reasoning, and many times they can even put it into a power write. I use Brick Math mainly in small group to help reinforce a math skill that some of my students may be struggling with, because my class is extremely visual and they need to see the steps in action. It helps make learning real, engaging, and memorable. I use it to model, for whole group exploration, small group reinforcement or extension, and one-on-one for intensive support. It is a great tool to have in a teacher’s toolbox."
Tonya Robbins, Teacher
Tonya Robbins, Teacher
"Perfect for my third-graders!"
Lindsey Banet, Teacher
Lindsey Banet, Teacher
"Our students absolutely love the Brick Math program. The participation levels as well as ability to work problems have increased greatly. There is a definite excitement in math when they come out. The staff also sees an advantage with the Brick Math. Teachers have noted the excitement and engagement among students, as well as having an additional resource for IME and small groups as well as a visual for whole class introduction of new concepts.
We are continuing to focus on additional avenues for use of the program. Our greatest benefit has definitely been with our EC students.
For additional enrichment with conceptual understanding, our district's gifted program provided Brick Math sets and training to our classroom teachers in fourth and fifth grade. This resource has given teachers a highly engaging way to build student's conceptual math understanding. Students love Brick Math!"
Deana C. Coley, Ed.S., Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
We are continuing to focus on additional avenues for use of the program. Our greatest benefit has definitely been with our EC students.
For additional enrichment with conceptual understanding, our district's gifted program provided Brick Math sets and training to our classroom teachers in fourth and fifth grade. This resource has given teachers a highly engaging way to build student's conceptual math understanding. Students love Brick Math!"
Deana C. Coley, Ed.S., Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction
"Breathes life back into mathematics instruction."
Kelli Coons, Instructional Coach
Kelli Coons, Instructional Coach
"Brick Math has provided a wonderful hands-on way for the teachers to teach counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and geometry. We are able to use this product to help teach our students conceptually. When students understand math from a conceptual level, students don't struggle and math becomes so much easier to understand. They are acquiring knowledge through experience rather than abstraction and using a greater range of intelligence to solve problems. When students' mathematical learning is firmly grounded in manipulative experiences, it will be more likely to bridge the gap between the world in which they live and the abstract world of mathematics. This has been a wonderful resource at our school to support our math program."
Christie Weatherly, Principal
Christie Weatherly, Principal
"My intervention students love this. Thank you!"
Annette H., Teacher "Teaching third grade math can be a tedious task. This year my school has been lucky enough to have the Brick Math program. I have it in the areas of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Having used this resource I have noticed kids' deeper thinking in math. They are working on not just the concept but also the reasoning behind it. Students are writing and explaining their thinking while creating and processing the answer. They quickly learn multiple ways to model their answers and learn that there is often more than one correct answer. I have the students work on the problem in the book and we stand in a circle to show our models to the entire class. The students love to see each others' models and even offer constructive criticism. This is a skill we have learned throughout the year using Brick Math. I have seen students gain confidence and knowledge in an area that was previously a struggle."
Amanda Barber, Teacher |
"The activities are easy to follow and make learning fun!"
Jamie Piatt, Fifth Grade Teacher
Jamie Piatt, Fifth Grade Teacher
"This is fantastic! Such an engaging and visual way to teach fractions!"
Brittany H., Teacher
Brittany H., Teacher
"It is important for students to understand math concepts in a conceptual way. Being able to use manipulatives helps to provide that level of understanding for students. Brick Math provides students with an opportunity to "see" the math. As I have worked with students using the Brick Math series, I have witnessed students develop a deeper understanding than they had before. I have heard students say, 'I see it now' or 'Now I get it. Helping students become successful in math is always the goal."
Tammy de Hart, Lead Teacher
Tammy de Hart, Lead Teacher
"I am so glad to have found these books. Thank you."
Dana Jackson, Teacher
Dana Jackson, Teacher
"This book is a must-have for any educators exploring multiplication!"
Elementary Teacher "The progression from basic multiplication principles to two- and three-digit multiplication problems is seamless."
Instructional Coach "I finally understand math. I can see it!"
Student "Why doesn't everyone learn multiplication this way?"
Student |